
Just a collection of tips and tricks through projects I have completed over the years. I hope you find something useful!

It's Fall, Y'all!

It's Fall, Y'all!

Well, ok that's kind of an annoying saying. And perhaps a little over-done ANNNND maybe even a little early, but who's really counting? I mean in the mornings 'round these parts... Read More

Happy 4th, Everyone!

I made a fun chalkboard stencil for the 4th. It turned out really cute, if I do say so myself. Come on in to find out how I did it!
Happy 4th, Everyone!
What Are We Getting Ourselves Into?

What Are We Getting Ourselves Into?

If camping isn't the prefect opportunity for crafty folks such as myself to whip out the ole' Cricut and start making shit, i don't know what is! Come on in...


I think I might be certifiable. Come on in and find out what I did in order to avoid being committed. Because, after all, mental health is truly everything!
Crafts! (Because Teachers Like to Have Fun, Too!)

Crafts! (Because Teachers Like to Have Fun, Too!)

I'm rounding up all of the crafts I did over the long weekend for your viewing pleasure. From adorable fall shirts to a wicked banner to my October Bullet Journal spread, I've...

Teaching Right Along...

We're all fine, morning work, some fun crafts, and a little self-love with some shopping is all featured in this week's blog post. Come on in!

I'm Alive! I Survived the First Week!

A hodge-podge of activities that we did together this week. Oh, and a new font!

5 Things to Do Before School Starts

Freaking out about school? Same. But I have 5 things that I always do (even during a pandemic) before school starts to make me feel a little more in control....
5 Things to Do Before School Starts
Google Sites, Oh My!

Google Sites, Oh My!

Mind: blown! Google Sites is an AMAZING tool for classrooms, especially for distance learning. Click to read more about how I am using Google Sites for my classroom this year!