Well, ok that's kind of an annoying saying. And perhaps a little over-done ANNNND maybe even a little early, but who's really counting? I mean in the mornings 'round these parts of the country (little ol' Louisville, KY) it's a bit chilly, so that totally counts as fall being here -- at least a smidge.
It's enough for me to bust out the pumpkins and do some fall crafty sh*t. Yessssss!! I started with heading to the Lobby of Hobbies, my absolute favorite place. And there is something to be said about going to Hobby Lobby in the middle of the week, early in the morning. The crazy crafters wait until the weekend to head over to the Hob Lob, so going during the week is a completely different experience. You basically have the whole place to yourself. Add a Grande PSL and you have Nirvana, my friend.
So I filled my cart with many things I probably didn't need, including a plethora of fall-themed wired ribbon. fall paint colors, a wire wreath form, some random pumpkin floral things, and a big blank wooden sign (that ended up being too big for my built-ins, so I made a sign for my mom instead).
I needed to update my buffet fall decor, so I got a few new pumpkins and I knew i wanted to do a new wreath to spruce it up a bit. I LOVE using the burlap-style deco mesh. It makes for some amazingly full wreaths and burlap goes with basically everything. And it's SO easy, even the un-craftiest of un-crafters (looking at you, MOM) could do this method. You cut 10" pieces of the burlap deco mesh (I used two different styles, pictured here) and roll them up (separately), in the same direction that they are naturally bending.
Take a pipe cleaner (which have been re-named "chenille stems" for some reason) and cut it in half and twist it around the two pieces of rolled up mesh. Then you just take the pipe cleaner, I mean chenille stem, and twist it around the wire wreath form. I did this all the way around my wreath until I had the desired fullness. I took my pumpkin floral things (I have NO idea what these are really called, but they are, in fact, for making wreaths) and used wire to adhere them to the right side of the wreath.
Once I had it all full like I wanted it, I made some ribbon "birds", which is just taking 14" strips of ribbon, cutting dove tails on each end and then layering the ribbon on top of each other. You can do any combination that you think suits your own style! See what they have at the Hob Lob and see what looks good together and that's how you know it's right. I chose a really pretty plaid, an orange shimmer, and my go-to, which is the burlap that has the checkered holes in it. I LOVE that ribbon, it's such a great addition to literally any wreath.
I love the way it turned out! It is perfect on my buffet in my dining room.
Ohh and my lights! Let me tell you about these lights. The BEST MIL in the world got me these lights for Christmas and I LOVE them. They are battery-operated and have a copper wire that I can twist and move and make them do whatever I want them to do. SUCH a great gift idea! She got them at Lowe's, I believe.
And that brings me to my final project, which is this wood sign that I made! I am especially proud of this one because not only did I design the SVG, I DREW the truck! And anyone that knows me knows that I can't really draw, so this is a HUGE deal for me. Ha! I used this stencil vinyl to create a stencil and then I painted on the design-- very carefully! I love the way it came out (and so did my mom)!
If you would like to make your own sign just like this one, I have this bundle of Fall Farmhouse Sign SVG designs on sale now! You can purchase directly from this website here, or you can visit my Design Bundles Shop here.
I hope you are enjoying some fun fall crafts this month! Please feel free to hop over to my Facebook Group, SVG & Craft Designers Group, to share anything you might be working on this month! I would love to see!