So we're going camping in literally 1 day. I haven't been camping since I was like 10. Or 12 or something that was a really, really long time ago. (I'm pushing 40 these days...) Enough time has passed to allow all of the completely rational fears of snakes, spiders, ticks, and trees falling on our tent to come in and take over the child part of my brain that used to not care about such things. I dreamt last night that I was in the woods without the proper shoes and only one pair of sweatpants and I happened upon an open tree stump. There was this HUGE copperhead that lunged towards me when I peeked in to see what was in there. I read an article yesterday (IRL) basically said that snakes aren't out to get you and usually when people get bit by a snake, it's because they were trying to catch it. This is not at all what my experience was in my dream. Ugh. I don't understand why I can't just enjoy things.
Anywho, I was in the process of packing and making fun things for our trip and I came upon the idea of the "Glow Bucket". Have you seen this?! I think I might make one for the backyard, too. They're really neat. It's just a big bucket (Home Depot - $7) with an LED light stuck to the inside. (Amazon, not sure how much -- but I don't want to talk about Amazon right now because we are in a fight. We actually might break up. They're taking entirely too long to deliver my unnecessary purchases these days.) Our light has a remote and has a multitude of fancy settings. So naturally, I needed to design a decal for our bucket. I LOVE the way it turned out.
Cutting and weeding this was actually pretty easy. I was worried with the smaller details on the tent and some of the text that it wouldn't do well, but my Cricut is pretty dang amazing. I just have a Cricut Explore, got it about 3 years ago, but just recently have I really been using it to its full potential.
If you love this bucket and want one for yourself...click here.

I also have a little freebie for you. I made these personalized cups for my little sweeties. I think they turned out so, so cute. I just added their names with the font SS Sugarsweet (one of my all-time FAVORITES) and now we have cute reusable cups that won't be confused for anyone else's. The girls love them, too! Click here to get the free file and click here to get the font that I used. (Of course, you don't have to use this font, you can use ANY font your heart desires.) Check out my first-ever video below of the quick process for making these cute cups.
And, Happy Camping!